Semaphore's Open Source Repo →

As announced, Semaphore has open sourced its CI/CD platform under Apache 2.0 in a new GitHub repository: semaphoreio/semaphore.

Here’s what you can do with it:

  • Star the repo as a way to support us (2 seconds)
  • Self-host a webscale CI/CD platform (less than 30 minutes)
  • Contribute to the codebase and help make it even better (infinite fun)

We also have a new website domain:

This is the biggest news we’ve released since launching Semaphore 2.0 in 2018. We’re super excited to continue building the best CI/CD platform in the world with the community. Marathon, not a sprint.

How to Come Up With New Features That People Want

I opened r/founder while waiting for my Magic Mouse to charge to 2%, started writing a reply and a few minutes later realized I was writing a blog post. So here goes a slightly extended version.

A founder who built and launched products before but never hit product-market fit asked:

How do you come up with new features? Purely from user requests, or do you pitch ideas and let users upvote?

Being data-driven sounds compelling, but you won’t build a great product through feature requests or metrics. So what works? Getting super deep into your space, actually watching users struggle (painful but worth it), and having the wisdom and guts to decide which problems are actually worth solving vs which ones are just noise.

First of all, build in a domain you deeply understand. Start with a clear vision of what you want your product to accomplish for its users. You need to believe in your bones that this is worth spending your next 5-10 years on.

The first versions of your product will cover only a small percentage of that vision at best. From there, you are responsible for determining the optimal path to filling the gaps.

You don’t need users to explicitly request features (although they will) — you need to learn from them about what issues they’re running into, what’s stopping them from accomplishing their goals, and what workarounds they’re creating.

Spend time actually watching people use your product in their natural environment, not just in artificial hypothetical scenarios. Video calls will be fine, as long as you don’t tell people where to click and what to do. You’ll see firsthand what frustrates them and what part of the product they totally did not understand the way you intended it to work.

Features aren’t solutions, they’re responses to problems. The best features come from asking “why?” repeatedly when users tell you what they want. For example, they might ask for a dashboard, but what they really need is confidence their work is on track. In reality you can rarely ask humans “why?” five times. Instead, again, it is your job to think deeply enough and figure it out.

You don’t need formal user voting systems. Simply track how frequently something is requested and multiply by the impact it would have. But be careful with using this as the foundation for what you do—sometimes the most valuable improvements are ones nobody asks for because users don’t know they’re possible. This doesn’t mean they think it’s technically impossible, just very unlikely that you will actually implement it and so never mention it.

Always, always, listen to your users. Sometimes you need to do exactly what they say. But often, what they say is a second derivative of a true problem at best.

You can’t automate or outsource judgment.

Making a Full-Content RSS Feed in Astro

I spent more time than I’d like to admit implementing the RSS feed for this blog. Creating a pure text RSS feed with Astro, my favorite website framework, for a Markdown content collection is straightforward. However, creating a feed that includes arbitrary MDX and renders URLs of build-time optimized images proved challenging. Having a full-content feed is free internet 101, so I couldn’t let it go. After opening an issue on GitHub and talking to some kind people on Astro Discord, I figured it out.

This was also a textbook example of a junior-level challenge that you can’t just brute force your way through with AI prompting. The solution is non-linear: it starts from the out-of-the-box idea that instead of messing around with pre-processing, you need to headlessly render posts before further adjustments, which is exactly what the experimental Astro Container API is for.

A Graveyard of Incomplete Execution Loops →

Cedric Chin writing on Commoncog:

it is easy to come up with plans and then start executing on them. The problem is that:

  1. Either you get distracted, mid-execution, by something else that’s shinier. Or you get distracted mid-execution by something that blows up (and in business there’s always something that’s blowing up).
  2. Or you get distracted by something else that pops up at the end of the current execution loop,
  3. Or you forget to do the ‘study’ bit at the end of a loop, which informs your next cycle.

It’s easy to proclaim focus, but it’s a whole other game to practice the sheer discipline of seeing things through when your big customer cancels, your head of engineering leaves, the backlog gets boring, and the next shiny idea comes knocking while you’re trying to execute a multi-month strategy.

Kudos to Cedric for addressing what many of us avoid: how deeply distractions and forgetfulness affect our work, despite it seeming unprofessional to admit.

The whole Commoncog website feels like a breath of fresh air in the world of fluffy business writing.

Semaphore Summit 2025 →

We’re hosting a virtual Semaphore Summit on February 26-28 to kick off our open source journey.

Each session is short and focused: Darko, our CTO, will open the Summit with a keynote on why we made this move and what it means for the future of CI/CD. Other engineers will share tips on running Semaphore and optimizing CI/CD workflows. We’re also excited to host developers from companies like Confluent and SimplePractice sharing their experiences.

The event is free to attend and the sessions will take place during NYC noon time. The best part is that every talk will have a live Q&A session. So no long dull videos, just real conversations about continuous delivery.

Serbia's Student Revolution

Serbia is experiencing an unprecedented political protest movement.

On November 1, 2024, a 300-tonne concrete canopy collapsed at a railway station in Novi Sad, killing 15 people and severely injuring two. The root cause: terminal-stage corruption.

The railway station reconstruction project involved over 60 subcontractors—many without relevant work experience—and cost five times more than projected. The country’s president, minister of construction, and city mayor—all from the ruling party—had opened the station to the public. Documents later revealed that at the time, the station was still a construction site without a usage permit.

What followed was a unique form of political protest led by university students, which developed into Europe’s largest student-led movement since 1968.

When hooligans sponsored by the ruling party attempted to sabotage the first protests with violence, students responded by locking down the universities. Their demands were simple: publish all documentation related to the railway station reconstruction and ensure complete criminal accountability for the collapse.

For a systematically corrupt government, these demands are like Schrödinger’s cat—fulfilling them would likely put the party leadership in jail.

Waiting for students marching 80km from Belgrade to arrive, Novi Sad, Serbia, January 31, 2025

Waiting for students marching 80 km from Belgrade to arrive, Novi Sad, Serbia, January 31, 2025

As of this writing, hundreds of thousands of people have participated in 24-hour blockades of key intersections and bridges in Novi Sad and Belgrade. Universities remain closed, with professors joining their students. Many high schools, some elementary schools, and public kindergartens have shut down. Attorneys are on general strike. Daily protests have spread to over 200 towns and villages. When students march, they are welcomed like liberators with tears of joy and hope.

The unified message is clear: we stand with our children and support their demands.

Each day at 11:52—the exact moment when the canopy collapsed—people across the country pause their daily activities. They stand in silence for fifteen minutes, one minute for each life lost in the tragedy.

When it’s a part of a street protest, the gathering is now secured by farmers with tractors and bikers. This precaution was implemented after several incidents where people attempted to drive through the crowds and injured protesters. These attackers were presumably influenced by inflammatory government rhetoric that labeled protesters as being backed by invisible foreign powers aiming to destabilize the country.

It’s hard to describe the experience of standing in silence with twenty thousand others on a city street. The collective grief, unity, and resolve for change are palpable.

Perhaps most remarkable is the students’ organizational discipline. They have rejected all outsiders from their movement—no politicians, activists, opposition parties, or NGOs. They operate without a single leader, practicing direct democracy through plenary sessions. When speaking to media, they rotate spokespersons to prevent any individual from becoming prominent.

They cannot be provoked, frightened, defamed, or bribed.

Students in Novi Sad, Serbia, marching with a banner 'DIALOGUE'

Students marching with a banner ‘DIALOGUE’ in response to a violent incident. On the same day the government invited students to dialogue, a 23-year-old woman was attacked with a baseball bat by someone who emerged out of the ruling party’s office. Her jaw was broken. The attacker was arrested and the prime minister resigned.

The students consistently reject unconstitutional calls for “dialogue” from the country’s president—legally a ceremonial position—to negotiate their demands. They dismiss as irrelevant this man who typically dominates daily media coverage and controls everything. Instead, they insist that institutions like prosecutors and police simply do their taxpayer-funded jobs. They call for the restoration of checks and balances and the rule of law. In these dark times created by weak leadership on both sides of the political landscape, such basic demands feel revolutionary.

Eventually, this movement must culminate in both justice and political change. The timing and method remain uncertain, but consensus is building around establishing a transitional expert government with a limited term to unblock captured institutions and ensure fair elections. One thing is clear: there’s no returning to the status quo that existed before the canopy collapse.


Therapy is expensive but saying this is free:

Ship it.
Fail fast.
Just do it.
Locked in.
Skill issue.
It’s always day one.
You can just do things.
Fuck around and find out.
Move fast and break things.
Done is better than perfect.
Discipline equals freedom.
Don’t ask for permission.
Open source everything.
Fuck it we ball.
Zero to one.
Amp it up.
Don’t die.

Semaphore Is Going Open Source →

After more than a decade of building Semaphore as a commercial CI/CD platform, we’re open sourcing the entire core under Apache 2.0. This is a moment I’ve been waiting for for a long time. The stars have finally aligned — the tools for self-hosting cloud native applications have matured, developer tools have found their natural home in open source, and we’ve built something worth sharing with the world.

What excites me most isn’t just opening up our codebase — it’s the transformation into building in public. The best developer tools are built in the open, shaped by the collective wisdom of their users. It’s time for Semaphore to join that tradition.

Update: we’re kicking off our open source journey during the Semaphore Summit on February 26th.

Foggy weekend.

Foggy weekend.

Semaphore is now SOC 2 Type 2 Certified →

We just got our SOC 2 Type 2 certification at Semaphore. This means we’ve proven our security practices work consistently over time, not just on paper. Protecting our customers’ code and data has always been a top priority for us, and now we have the audit to back it up.

The difference between Type 1 and Type 2 matters here. Type 1, like ISO 27001 which Semaphore has been certified to since 20201, is a snapshot – it shows your security controls look good on a specific day. Type 2 proves you’re actually following these practices over months of real operations. It’s the difference between having a gym membership and showing you actually go regularly.

Getting here wasn’t quick or easy. Unlike typical product work, there’s no definitive specification for SOC 2. No clear manual that says “do exactly these things and you’ll pass.” Instead, you’re working with broad principles about security, availability, and confidentiality that you have to interpret and implement in the context of your specific business.

I’m very proud of our small security team who turned these vague compliance requirements into real, practical security improvements across the organization.

To our customers: this certification confirms what we’ve been doing all along – treating your code and data with the care it deserves. To anyone considering Semaphore: this is what we mean when we say security is built into how we operate, not bolted on later.

AI Can Build Apps Like Calculators Can Do Math

Naval Ravikant on X:

AI won’t replace programmers, but rather make it easier for programmers to replace everyone else.

Someone jumps in with the “but Jensen Huang says AI writes code!” argument. Naval’s response packs as much wit and insight per character as ever:

Calculators can do math per CEO of Texas Instruments.

Exactly. Now is the best time in history to be a programmer.

AI expands your capabilities into domains where your knowledge was insufficient. If all you ever wanted was to create, and you’re looking at AI the right way, chances are you feel reborn.

Designers who dreamed of breaking new ground in human-computer interaction but got stuck styling forms and churning out YouTube thumbnails should be excited.

The industry is resetting to where it was 18 years ago, before iPhone and when “social” web was just emerging. The soul-crushing parts of the job are being automated away. What’s left? The work that actually matters: original thinking backed with good taste.

Technology creates demand for more technology. There will always be new programs to write.

In the new year, fly free.

In the new year, fly free.

Enable Dictation

You can save yourself hours of typing by talking to your Mac.

With AI, better context means better results. But there’s a gap between knowing this and doing it. Even as someone who writes constantly (running remote companies made me a pretty effective writer), I still hesitate before diving into those long, context-rich prompts that yield the best outputs.

The solution is simpler than you might think: macOS dictation. I completely slept on this feature, assuming I needed diction of a US president. However, it’s surprisingly accurate for non-native speakers too - just hit F5 and talk.

Now instead of carefully typing out detailed prompts, I can talk through my thought process naturally. Same goes for drafting documents or emails (with some cleanup before sending). This post started as pure dictation.

Here’s why it works: verbal expression of complex ideas is fundamentally easier than typing. We do it effortlessly in meetings and conversations. But for many people, writing is an order of magnitude harder than speaking. Remove the typing friction, and you’re more likely to tap into the full potential of AI.

Try hitting F5 next time you’re staring at that blank prompt. Let your Mac do the typing while you focus on the thinking.

10 Ambient Music Albums of 2024

Ambient music is my workday companion. The albums collected here — ranging from spectral drones to late-night meditative jazz to minimalist classical pieces — have a peculiar effect: they help me carve out a space where focus is sustained and time seems to suspend itself. These are the records that have colored my working hours throughout 2024.

Rafael Anton Irisarri - Façadisms

Rafael Anton Irisarri - Façadisms album cover

Endurance (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Endurance OST album cover

Earthen Sea - Recollection

Earthen Sea - Recollection album cover

Jakob Bro - Taking Turns

Jakob Bro - Taking Turns album cover

Malibu - Palaces of Pity

Malibu - Palaces of Pity album cover

Jon Hopkins - Ritual

Jon Hopkins - Ritual album cover

Alva Noto - Xerrox, Vol. 5

Alva Noto - Xerrox, Vol. 5 album cover

Roger Eno - The Skies: Rarities

Roger Eno - The Skies: Rarities album cover

Not Waving & Romance - Wings of Desire

Not Waving & Romance - Wings of Desire album cover

Suso Saiz - Distorted Clamor

Suso Saiz - Distorted Clamor album cover

Musk Operates Like a 19th Century Industrialist →

Marc Andreessen on Chris Williamson’s podcast:

I’m not aware of another current CEO who operates the way that he does. But if you go back in history, you find characters more like him, especially the industrialists of the late 1800s, early 1900s, people like Henry Ford or Andrew Carnegie, or Thomas Watson, who built IBM.

The top line thing is just this incredible devotion from the leader of the company to fully, deeply understand what the company does and to be completely knowledgeable about every aspect of it and to be in the trenches and talking directly to the people who do the work, deeply understanding the issues and being the lead problem solver in the organization.

Basically what Elon does is he shows up every week at each of his companies, identifies the biggest problem that the company is having that week and fixes it. Then he does that every week for 52 weeks in a row. And then each of his companies has solved the 52 biggest problems that year. Most other large companies are still having the planning meeting for the pre-planning meeting, for the board meeting, for the presentation, for the compliance review and the legal review.

He delegates almost everything… [except] the biggest problem right now until that thing is fixed.

The best founders focus on fixing their biggest problems instead of managing them - but doing this week after week, year after year, is a brutal standard that most can’t meet.

Blind by Default →

Sebastian Bensusan, writing about how digital work is invisible by default:

Imagine you work at a paper store:

  1. One day, you observe there are a lot more customers in the store, mostly Chinese, and they are all buying red paper. Some of them ask for red envelopes, which you don’t have.
  2. Eventually you ask them, what are the envelopes for? “Honboa?! Chinese New Year gifts of course!”. Trying to orient yourself, you read the Wikipedia page and it all clicks together.
  3. You decide that you should be ready for the next Chinese New Year.
  4. You act by ordering the envelopes which 10x sales. Success!

This wasn’t a tough mystery to solve… if you work at the store.

Yet if you work at an e-commerce store selling the exact same items, it’s almost impossible to get this depth of information at comparable speed:

By default you know nothing, not even if you had sales that day. To know that, you have to:

  • Decide that you want to know the daily revenue.
  • Calculate it (and debug it!) with a SQL query, then put it on a dashboard.
  • Look at the dashboard daily.

But are you breaking the revenue by ethnicity / nationality? Are you breaking it down by paper color? Did you notice Chinese New Year?

Most likely not. In a software business, you are default blind.

The concept of organizational blindness is one of the most under-discussed challenges in digital business.

What makes this article powerful is how it shows that blindness isn’t just about lacking data or tools. It’s about constantly working with an unknown number of unknown unknowns.

Looking back, most of my career has been about building tools that make the invisible parts of work visible: first with Semaphore and CI/CD workflows in software development, and now with business operations in Operately.

There’s no silver bullet except developing a habit of actively observing and questioning what’s happening around you, and sharing what you learn with others.

Semaphore Pulls Back the Curtain →

Semaphore launched a new YouTube channel called Semaphore Backstage to document the engineering journey building the next-generation CI/CD features. The first video takes you inside a product meeting where the team tackles real challenges in continuous delivery – from multi-region deployments to version queuing. Smash the like button and subscribe!

Cudis Smart Ring →

For decades, we’ve been presented with a choice in consumer tech: either surrender your personal data to the surveillance economy or pay a high premium for privacy-focused alternatives, often sold by companies that don’t sustain over time. This dichotomy has become so ingrained that we barely question it anymore.

The Cudis smart ring appears to be attempting something different, storing user health data using IPFS and blockchain verification, with users maintaining ownership. The company claims users could monetize their own health data—up to $5,000 per year. While that specific figure warrants skepticism, the model itself is intriguing. When crypto enthusiasts talk about use cases this is the kind of practical application that’s been missing—not speculative tokens, but fundamental restructuring of data ownership. Whether it works remains to be seen, but it’s refreshing to see someone challenging the assumption that privacy must come at a premium.

Orchid Synth →

Conceived by Tame Impala and created by Telepathic Instruments, Orchid is

an advanced chord generating hardware synthesizer developed for songwriters, producers and musicians to expand the possibilities of songwriting and musical exploration.

What a fascinating design. One of those rare things that bring out the inner child in me.

Windsurf →

I haven’t hit “subscribe” this quickly in ages. While I’ve been using Claude and its artifacts as my programming sidekick for months, Windsurf editor takes the AI coding experience to new heights.

What makes it stand out:

  • Full codebase awareness with ability to mention specific files and folders
  • Direct command execution
  • Intelligent reasoning about manual (is this how we will call it now?) code changes
  • Seamless multi-file workflows

My number one advice to anyone struggling to get results from products like this: you need to improve at explaining what you mean.

Public By Default →

Still fascinated by the effects of genuinely building Operately in public - from meetings on YouTube to public Discord discussions. As a tiny challenger in the market, every breadcrumb we leave in public becomes both a trail for the right people to find us and a record of our journey. The supposed risk of openness pales in comparison to the risk of never being found at all.

Starting a Personal Blog in 2024 (Yes, Really)

There’s something wonderfully absurd about starting a personal blog in 2024. The whole concept feels outdated – like buying a typewriter or developing your own film. And yet, here we are.

In recent years, I was convinced that maintaining a personal blog would be self-indulgent at best and a waste of time at worst. After all, I have enough obligations, and we have social media.

But lately I’ve been thinking about what we lost when we all moved our thoughts to social platforms. There’s a peculiar kind of clarity that comes from writing—and reflecting back—on your own website. It’s just you and your thoughts, without the constant background radiation of likes, trending topics, and engagement farming.

Every social platform wants us to be performance artists now. They want us to create “content” exclusively for their walled gardens, each with their own arbitrary rules and algorithms. Post an external link? Algorithm penalty. Share something not aligned with your designated topic? Sorry, we’ll have to limit your reach going forward. It’s exhausting, and worse, it shapes how we think.

I miss the weird personal websites of the early web. They were genuinely personal. People shared what they liked with actual commentary, posted random thoughts without worrying about engagement metrics, and generally treated their websites like digital gardens rather than content farms.

So here’s what this space is going to be: a place for notes, quotes, pretty images, and bookmarks about business, software, open source, art, and whatever else feels worth sharing. Will anyone read it? Maybe, maybe not. But if nothing else, I’ve found that the simple act of curating and publishing things publicly helps me clarify thoughts and nourish creativity.

Think of this as a quiet corner of the internet where the wifi is decent and the algorithms can’t find us. No pop-ups, no ads, no growth hacking – just some notes from someone who believes the internet works best when people have their own spaces to think out loud and connect with others.

Welcome to my corner.